Car Rekeying

Fast Affordable Car Rekeying Service by a Professional Automotive Locksmith Near You.  Call Alamo Key And Lock for all of your rekeying needs.

When our valued customers search for car rekey service near me, they usually want to have a professional locksmith to come out to them quickly due to their:

  • The car gets stolen, or recently lost the car key
  • Car key gets stuck in the lock
  • Stiff and difficult to turn
  • The smart key won’t work or the central locking system isn’t working

Alamo Key & Lock has the industry experience to understand the importance of providing prompt service when our valued customers are having these types of issues. Our auto rekeying service is always near you in Houston, we are just a phone call away 713-688-3887 providing you with 24 Hours Mobile Response in case of emergencies.

Alamo Key & Lock has helped Houstonians with their car door lock and key issues for over 35 years. Our locksmiths travel around the Houston area assisting customers with their car door lock problems. Whether you’ve locked your key in your car or the key breaks in the door, our locksmiths can help. 100% satisfaction guaranteed, licensed, and insured.

Commercial locksmith rekeying

Why Car Door Rekeying Instead Of Replacement?

Because oftentimes rekeying a car door lock is the correct solution to get your vehicle moving again. Also, car door rekeying is a lot cheaper than replacing the whole car lock. When a car door lock is to be replaced, this can often mean taking apart the door panel to be able to dismantle all of the lock hardware and then reinstall it with a new car door lock. Furthermore, when changing car door locks entirely, you have to consider a vehicle warranty.

We can handle everything for our valued customers by providing friendly advice, coming out anytime 24/7, and providing affordable locksmith solutions in Houston, speak with your auto dealer, vehicle manufacturer, or even car insurance company in order to find out the warranty consequences for replacing car door locks.

In most cases, problems with car door locks can easily be fixed by rekeying the lock rather than replacing the whole door lock.

Although you do not need to be a qualified locksmith, just realized that the cylinder that the car door lock uses is really the only thing the car key interacts with. Meaning, if the car door lock is hard to turn, simply rekey the lock. If the key breaks in the door lock, extract the key and rekey the door lock. Rekeying can save $$$ compared to replacement.

Call us day or night for the best locksmith services!  Rekeying a car door is important in the event your vehicle has been stolen or the car keys have become stolen as you don’t know if the thief will return for round two.  By having your car door rekeyed you won’t have to worry.


Smart Key Stopped Working?

Many cars use smart keys that no longer have a metal neck to insert into a car door lock cylinder. If this is the case for your vehicle, Alamo Key & Lock can still help fix your smart key. Some things that go wrong with smart keys are the chip breaks or stops working, the key is lost and needs to be replaced, or the signal is weak and doesn’t work correctly.

Alamo Key and Lock provides top-quality locksmith service in Houston and Surrounding areas. Our expert Automotive Rekeying Locksmiths have the knowledge, tools, and experience to create a new key on the spot whether your requirements are for, sedan, SUV, four-wheel drive, van, or truck. Simply call 713-688-3887 anytime 24/7