Current crime rates in Houston are higher than ever. You can take a look at the latest crime reports from your area, and believe us when we say that the findings will shock you and make you question the safety of your home on a different level.

The first step is to become more conscious about security and problems we all face in Houston, and then, act in the direction of protecting yourself, your family, and your home from intruders and criminals.

We understand that home decoration may be much more fun than installing new security measurements around your home. However, as burglars strike homes in Texas almost by the hour, you want to make security your top priority now, right now, so that you can enjoy your home knowing it’s better protected.

As you will agree, it is essential to undertake some simple, yet vital measures to prevent criminals from interrupting your peace of mind. Throughout many years serving our local community with our professional locksmith solutions, we’ve seen our share of the damage these criminals cause Houston residents and business owners. That is why we’ve gathered our top 3 home security tips that are practical and easy to use.

Top Tips For Better Security

Avoid Common Pitfalls

Burglars usually observe their targets before they get into action. You don’t want to make it obvious when you are away, as that is what they are usually waiting for.

You want to make them believe you are not away. The first technique you can apply is to leave some lights on in your home, even when you are at work or out of your home.

If you are going on a vacation, cancel newspaper delivers, as a piled-up newspaper is the most reliable sign the owners are away.

You can ask a trusted friend to check (on regular basis) if everything is fine and collect anything that may arrive in the post-office box while you are not there.

As we are living in a world of advanced technologies, the Internet, and social media, we highly recommend you restrain yourself from posting content related to your absence to your social media accounts.

Burglars always take a look under the doormat or plant pot, as people usually hide their keys or spare keys in such places. Do we need to say, don’t use these usual places to hide your keys? Apply these easy-to-use techniques, and you will at least avoid the usual suspects.

Update Your Locks

Do you know how long ago the locks on your door have been installed? Old-type locks are easy to get through, as thieves and burglars became familiar with them, and it takes seconds to gain entrance like this.

You want to make sure all of the locks in your home are modern and professionally fitted. There won’t be a way burglars would defeat it with their usual methods.

Of course, you will need the help of a professional locksmith like Alamo Key & Lock. A good and reliable locksmith will recommend to you certain locks that will provide you maximum security. Also, we can install new locks that meet the Master Locksmith Association requirements. Learn more about American National Standards Institute (ANSI) which sets locking standards.

Doors And Windows

home door locking device

Criminals mostly use doors to gain entry into your house. After all, windows are a bit awkward to get in and out from, even though some burglars use such channels.

Door in your home should be very well secured. We mentioned the importance of locks in the previous section, and there is no doubt you need to upgrade the locks, especially if they are out of date.

On the other hand, a solid door with the strike plate would make it hard for a burglar to kick in.

There is a category of thieves who tend to break in through windows if you give them a chance. Limit yourself to opening windows in your home to six inches or less.

Furthermore, it would be great to screw in the windows to the frames tightly, as this way they wouldn’t slide out of the frame easily. A jamming device can be another great solution to consider.

Seek Expert Locksmith Advice

If you are not sure about where your home security level is, it would be best to ask for our expert advice. Don’t try to improvise things about this delicate subject, as burglars usually wait for such opportunities and minor mistakes.

It is always good to know your local locksmith is always just a phone 713-688-3887 call away, and Alamo Key & Lock is here – at your service 24/7, to help you improve the overall security of your home and as a result you and your family.