There are so many things to think about and to do when changing your place of residence. This is, at the same time, the reason why it is so easy to overlook questions about the state of the locks in the new property.

Information about the crime rate and neighborhood safety are on the list of priorities when making a decision about purchasing a new residence. Yes, we know these things sound pesky at first, but would you sleep tight in your new bed the first night you move in if you are unsure if someone else may also have the keys to your kingdom?

You want to make sure that you are the exclusive owner of the keys, this will maintain your safety on a higher level. And, that is exactly why changing locks in your new property is a good idea.

Top 5 Reasons To Change Locks In Your New Property

There are a few good reasons why you should think about calling a professional locksmith before making any other changes in your new residence. Changing locks will prevent possible intruders or thieves from entering your new home, apartment, or any other type of property (be it residential or commercial).

Top 5 Reasons To Call A Locksmith First Are

  1. You can choose the type of lock according to your wants and requirements,
  2. It will improve your security and safety of the property,
  3. Newer locks are of a higher quality than the older ones,
  4. Previous tenants or owners would have no access to it,
  5. You will be at peace about residing in your new property.

It is somehow logical that you would think for a second if previous owners or other people might still have copies of the keys. You certainly don’t want to see the old owner trying to unlock your door while s/he thinks you are away (or worse yet, while you are still home (it happens)).

On the other hand, sometimes owners forget about key copies they gave to a family member, handyman, painter, or a plumber who was taking care of an issue within the house or business.

Let’s be clear – accidents can happen anytime, but you want to make sure to take precautions. You want to live in peace knowing you have done everything you could to protect yourself your family and your property.

As we mentioned above, newer locks are safer than old ones. American National Standards Institute (ANSI) sets locks standards so that the locks provide utmost safety. It would be great to check those standards and examine the locks, as this would give you a clue about the need for rekeying or replacing the lock completely. Alamo Key & Lock Locksmiths can provide professional advice, simply call 713-688-3887 anytime.

Rekeying costs less, but if you found out the old locks don’t meet ANSI standards, it would be better to set it as a priority on your to-do list.

Additional Lock And Safety Tips

Even though front doors are the most important, don’t forget about back doors, side doors, garage doors, and the basements. You want to secure the main garage door, as well as the door connecting the garage to the house.

Even if you are renting, you can change the locks by making an agreement with your landlord or the property manager. This is something tenants usually take as a normal part of the renting process, which is great news as it provides the same level of security and peace of mind.

Call A Professional & Licensed Locksmiths In Houston TX

If you have just moved into your new residence and you want to change the locks after reading our blog post, make sure to contact us or call 713-688-3887. We can provide you with the safest options available on the market in 2019, choices, and provide advice about the number of locks, brands, and keys. We can do this at the most competitive locksmith rates in Houston.

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